Holidays Act
Mondayised holidays
November 30, 2021
What is a Mondayised holiday?
For most people, the Mondayised holiday is relatively easy to understand. When a public holiday falls on a weekend, if you normally work that day it is treated as your public holiday as you would expect. If you don’t work on weekends then the following Monday becomes your holiday. Only certain public holidays are eligible to be Mondayised*.
What is a Tuesdayised holiday?
If two public holidays occur on the same weekend then the Saturday public holiday will be Mondayised and the Sunday public holiday will be Tuesdayised.

How To Pay Your Employees for Mondayised Public Holidays

If both Saturday AND Sunday are public holidays, treat Tuesday like it is Mondayised. Mondayisation and Tuesdayisation applies to all types of employees.
If it seems like a lot to get your head around, the good news is that if you’re using PayHero, Mondayised and Tuesdayised public holidays are a breeze. Our automated public holidays feature does everything for you, working out from your employee’s work pattern settings or recent timesheet history which are their otherwise working days and picking the right day to treat as a public holiday.
For more information on Mondayised holidays, see our support article.
* Public holidays eligible for Mondayisation:
New Year’s Day (1 January)
Day After New Year’s Day (2 January)
Waitangi Day (6 February)
ANZAC Day (25 April)
Christmas Day (25 December)
Boxing Day (26 December)