Payroll for Tradies
Don't waste your evenings on admin
Get started in minutes, no credit card required.

“Thanks to PayHero I process our payroll much faster. Not only has the business saved time using PayHero’s time capture tools, but we also have confidence that PayHero keeps up with the latest payroll legislation.”

Employee mobile app
GPS time tracking, expenses, leave and payslips in one simple employee app
Timesheets in their pocket
While on-site, employees can submit timesheets against different jobs or work items by entering start, end and break times or using the GPS start/stop timer. They can access their old payslips too, so you don’t need to dig them out.
Foreman clock-in
Simplify the timesheet process by getting site managers to clock employees in & out of work sites on their phone.
Capture expenses with ease
Expense claims couldn’t be easier. Your employees can take a photo of a receipt, categorise it and submit the expense for approval from their phone.
Easy leave requests
Employees can submit leave requests, check the approval status and balances and see a record of leave already taken and booked in with a simple calendar view.
Stress-free payroll
Pay employees right with payroll software, built for businesses like yours
Tool allowances and more
It’s simple to manage tradie-specific payroll needs in PayHero. Our support team can help you set up automated tool allowances and reimbursements for mileage or meals.
Easy job costing
With the PayHero employee app your staff can allocate hours against different locations and tasks. That means you can easily see the profitability of each job, get your invoicing spot on and apply wage costs to the right cost centre in Xero.
Integrate with Xero
Automatically send payroll data through to Xero. Keep it simple or assign wage costs to different account codes and tracking categories for a more detailed breakdown.

Simplify compliance
Look after your bottom line and let PayHero take care of the tricky payroll stuff
Employee self-service
Save time and hassle by letting your staff view leave balances and request leave from the employee app. They can access their old payslips too, so you don’t need to dig them out.
Stress-free payroll compliance
Rest easy knowing leave and holiday entitlements are calculated to match the latest MBIE guidelines, and displayed transparently to employers and employees.
Automated payday filing
Payday filing is a piece of cake in PayHero – just connect your account to IRD and we’ll automatically send your payroll information through after every pay.
PayHero makes trades payroll easy
Look after your staff, get their entitlements right and understand your wage costs.
PayHero is the number one online payroll and timesheet system for New Zealand tradies.
Pay your staff in minutes
Time entries, leave & expenses submitted by your employees from their mobile app show up instantly & automatically in PayHero, ready for processing payroll.
Always accurate
Every time payroll and labour laws change, we update PayHero so you’re always fully compliant with tax laws and the Holidays Act. No downloads or time consuming updates for you – just business as usual.
Automated public holiday calculations
PayHero determines whether a public holiday is an otherwise working day for an employee based on their recent work pattern and calculates their entitlements accordingly.
Set and forget payroll
With Payroll AutoPilot, PayHero will run payroll for you. You’ll get an email with all the details so you can approve the pay without having to login.
Support you can rely on
Our friendly Wellington-based support team is available by phone or email to help you out whenever you need it.
Try before you buy
With a fully featured free 14 day trial, you can take PayHero for a risk-free test run before committing.
Take the next step with PayHero
Join thousands of Kiwi companies doing payroll better.
14 Days Free · First Pay Walkthrough · No Credit Card Required