
Accurate time tools for hourly employees

Use PayHero's time-tracking software and get your payroll right every time. Track hourly work with flexible time entry options.


Record and approve time, ready for pay day

PR Construction
"We save so much time processing payroll thanks to the time capture tools."
Michele Howley, PR Construction

Track employee time for smart insights

  • Capture accurate start, end, and break times with the time clock app or GPS time tracking.
  • Enable employees to record time from any device, then approve before pay day.
  • Team managers can record time for employees on-site.
  • PayHero automatically determines paid 
or unpaid break durations.
Track employee time

Timesheets on the go

  • Say goodbye to paper timesheets - any time recorded with PayHero’s time tracking tools will sync to payroll.
  • Approve timesheets before any hours are paid in the next pay run.
  • Automatically keep a secure online record of timesheet history for accurate leave and payroll calculations.

Praise for PayHero’s timely tools

Brazen Clothing
“Moving to PayHero is one of the best things I’ve ever done for my company. I used to stress about payroll and timesheets because there were always issues. With PayHero I don’t even think about it. It’s easy.”
Paul Newson, Brazen Clothing

Flexible pricing options


Accessible attendance software

  • Different levels of access can be granted to admin and team managers.
  • Empower employees to manage their own timesheets, leave requests and expenses with the mobile app.
  • Import timesheets from another system or enter them directly.
Teams and locations

Connect to dynamic rostering software, made by us

  • Droppah’s auto-scheduling juggles skills, availability, preferences, and costs, to craft the perfect roster without breaking a sweat.
  • Deep integration with PayHero ensures public holidays and leave are always in sync.
  • Capture to-the-minute timesheets with a photo-time clock and keep an eye on live attendance.
  • Share rosters & enable shift swapping with the Droppah employee app.
  • Send completed timesheets straight through to payroll, ready for payday.
Learn more about Droppah

Simplify payroll & pay your staff right

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14 Days Free - First Pay Walkthrough - No Credit Card Required